
Volunteer With Us!

Fletcher Elementary is proud of its community.  Our volunteers make a huge impact on student success and we are looking forward to partnering with you during the school year.

Volunteers can support Fletcher Elementary in many ways. They can support clubs, athletics, special projects, events or classrooms. We’d love to help find the best fit for you at Fletcher.


Volunteers now have two (2) options for TB clearance:

  •  Traditional: Go to your physician or local clinic to get a TB skin test which typically involves two trips to the doctor’s office or clinic and around 48-72 hours to complete.
  •  TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire: Our school nurse can process the TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire included in the packet. This service is free and only takes a few minutes, however appointments for this service are required.

 If you are interested in volunteering at Fletcher, please complete the forms and submit them to our front office.

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